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3.2.14 Creep start
Creep starting feeds out the wire at 50% of the set speed until it makes electrical
contact with the workpiece. With a hot start it is 50% of the hot start time.
3.2.15 Hot Start
Hot start increases the wire feed speed and voltage for an adjustable time at the
start of welding, thus reducing the risk of poor fusion at the beginning of the joint.
Hot start wire speed
It is possible to increase the wire feed speed during a specific period compared to
the present wire feed speed to provide more energy during the weld start and ensure
penetration. The speed is set relative to the ordinary wire feed speed. The time
starts when the arc is ignited and the length is the set hot start time. Synergy gives
an increase in the wire speed by 2 m/min.
Hot start voltage
The voltage increases by 2 volts in addition to the contribution from the synergy line
slope and the extra 2 m/min in wire feed speed. In non synergy mode, the voltage in
question will be the one set and it is not synergy dependent.
: It is possible to set negative values for the hot start wire feed and hot start
voltage. This can be used with high weld data to give a smooth weld start by initially
”stepping up” the weld data.
-- Hot start is enabled in the
measure image
and the settings are defined in the
settings menu
3.2.16 Crater filling
Crater filling makes a controlled reduction in the heat and size of the weld pool
possible when completing the weld. This makes it easier to avoid pores, thermal
cracking and crater formation in the weld joint.
In pulse welding mode it is possible to choose between pulsed and non pulsed crater
filling. Non pulsed crater filling is faster to do. Pulsed crater filling takes a little longer,
yet gives spatter free crater filling when appropriate values are used.
In synergy mode the crater filling time and the final wire feed speed are both set in
pulsed and non pulsed crater filling. The voltage and the pulse parameters drop to
the final values with the help of synergy.
Non synergy
In non synergy mode the settings can be changed to give another arc length at the
end of crater filling.
The final voltage can be set for non pulsed crater filling. The final voltage, final pulse
current, final background current and the final frequency can be set for pulsed crater