Appendix C - Flow charts
Appendix C - Parameter and program editing flow charts
The following flow charts are provided to the advanced user
as a concise summary of the capabilities of the FSU 995 FA.
With a mastery of the FSU 995 FA interface and technique,
one can use these flow charts to quickly locate parameters
and functionality within the splicer’s software.
Below is a key to under stand the symbols used within the
flow charts. The flow charts themselves are presented in the
following order:
Global parameters ............................................................. 76
Program editing .................................................................. 77
Service functions ............................................................... 79
Key to flow charts
Questions that require a YES or NO answer as response are indicated
with a rectangle.
Quantitative parameters that require you to enter a value and then press ENTER
are indicated with an oval. The editable area is indicated with a grey box.
Binary parameters which you toggle off and on with the YES and NO buttons
and then select a state by pressing ENTER, are indicated in the same fashion.
Parameters with multiple values that require you to scroll through the list by
pressing NO, and then selecting the desired value by pressing ENTER (see p. 54),
are indicated by a rounded box including the list of possible parameter values.
YES button
NO button
ENTER button
Any messages the splicer displays that don’t require responses will be indicated
in quotations marks.
Any explanatory information will be indicated with italics.
The pages are organized with white areas which contain the main editing blocks,
and grey areas which present the editable parameters within each of these blocks.
(For more about navigation, see p. 53)
Splicelist handling?
Fusion current 1 10.5 mA
Read Only?
“Parameter updating...”
Resets splice
counter to 0