After fine-tuning the alignment, and before fusion, the
alignment should be as follows: the outer edges of the
fibers line up, and the gap between their end-faces is
centered on the monitor and as small as possible while
still allowing for up and down movement of the fibers.
Gap centered
and as narrow as
Outer edges lined up
When the fibers are aligned to your satisfaction, you can
press the FUSE button and start fusion. The splicer will
follow the splicing program you chose earlier: in our case,
program 03.
As the FSU 995 FA splices your fibers, it will read “Splicing....”
in the
message field
Fuse fibers
Check the splice
Once the splicing sequence is complete, you need to check
the splice. The steps for this procedure are outlined in the
following section.
BASIC OPERATION - Manual mode splicing