Fiber clamps and V-grooves
In the case of both the fiber clamps and V-grooves, cleanli-
ness is very important. Before starting work each day, you
should clean them with a cotton swab dipped in propanol or
ethanol. After you have finished cleaning them, you should
also ensure that you have not left behind any strands of
cotton. For V-grooves that become heavily dirtied, we rec-
ommend that you clean them in an ultrasonic cleaner.
Maintenance - Fiber clamps and V-grooves
Do’s and do not’s when cleaning
Do NOT clean either the fiber clamps or the V-grooves
with compressed gas. The combination of high pressure air
and dust acts like a sandblaster on their precision surfaces.
Do NOT use any sort of hard tool to clean either the fiber
clamps or the V-grooves.
ONLY clean with pure propanol or ethanol.
Changing V-grooves
The FSU 995 comes with two pairs of V-grooves, blue and
black, and based on the kind of fiber you are splicing you will
have to periodically exchange them. To do so:
1 Open the safety shield.
2 Loosen the screw that fastens the V-grooves with the hex
wrench supplied with the splicer (see first adjacent picture).
3 Pull out the old V-groove (see second adjacent picture).
4 Insert the new V-groove, making sure that the number
printed on the V-groove agrees with the number indicated on
the label behind the operator panel (see sample label below).
5 Tighten screw that holds V-groove. Do not fasten too
6 Repeat procedure for the other V-groove.
Unfasten screw
Exchange V-grooves
V-groove numbers
Every FSU 995 V-groove has its own unique number, and
can be used only with its particular FSU 995 splicer. The
label behind the operator panel (see adjacent picture) identi-
fies the V-grooves that go with that splicer. The reason for
this specificity lies in the high precision of fabrication di-
mensions, and it means you cannot exchange V-grooves
between splicers.
V-groove numbers