enables the RSM computer to request status information from radios within the
A system used to connect separate LANs and WANs into an internet, and to
route traffic between the networks. In the Network Manager system, a router is
needed to go from Ethernet to T1 physical media. OSI Network, Data Link,
and Physical Layers only.
A type of serial interface typically used for terminals, modems, and printers.
Request Status Monitor
The RSM is an IBM PC compatible computer
running custom software developed by Ericsson GE. It allows the system
administrator and/or the dispatchers to view status of EDACS units within the
CEC/IMC network. Status information is typically initiated (transmitted) by the
radio operator to identify the current condition (in route, at scene, etc.) of the
Single-Channel Autonomous Trunking. In EDACS, SCAT is a trunked system
consisting of a single failsoft repeater and a downlink GETC. Operationally, it
functions as a control channel or a working channel, depending on the trunked
service required. In its idle state, SCAT operates as a control channel. When a
channel request is made, SCAT assigns the call to itself and converts to a
working channel. EDACS address hierarchy is maintained as are many
trunking features.
An HP-UX command interpreter (CSHELL, KORN, etc.), providing a working
environment interface for the user. When user logs in, the Session Manager
starts HP VUE applications that were running during a previous session.
Simple Network Management
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol that enables
a management station to configure, monitor, and receive trap (alarm) messages
from a Network Element. It also provides additional administrative structure,
authentication, and privacy.
Simultaneous Broadcast by two or more transmitters located at different sites
operating on the same RF frequency.
This term normally refers to EDACS radio equipment at a single specific
Site Controller
A computer running Ericsson-developed application software that controls the
moment-to-moment trunking process, plus such features as call validation, unit
enable/disable, dynamic regrouping, and queuing management. The Site
Controller communicates with the System Manager over an appropriate link.
Site Icon
The Site icon consists of physical devices located in one geographic location
such as the Site Controller, ELI, ACU, PMU, TU, and Channels.
Site Number
This is the EDACS Site Number which uniquely identifies the Site on a
particular Node.
See System Manager.