June 2015 - Ed.2.1
Audio over IP decoders E411, E413, E415 & E417 technical manual
Page 27
‘Scheduled playlist’ Source type configuration
This source type is used in the Advertisement layers channels to play recorded messages stored in the USB
memory. It is only available in the E417 model.
The configuration form is as shown:
Figure 22: Carrousel USB Source type setup form
The “Mode” parameter has, for current version
, only the option “Periodic”. This mode plays all the MP3
files in the selected folder of the USB memory at a fixed period sequentially.
The period is set in minutes, from 1 to 999.
The files must be in MP3 format, with a maximum bit rate of 320 kb/s.
To select the USB folder, press the button Open . This will open a new window with the content of the
connected USB. Navigate though the tree, select the desired folder and press Select .
The device will play all the files in the folder in a sequential loop at the set rate.
Files are played in alphabetic order. So, if you want play the files in a specific order, you can rename them
to obtain the desired order (for instance adding two characters at the beginning of each name:
“01-Oranges”, “02-Meatballs”, etc.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each time the device is restarted, the playing starts from the first file in the folder.
In future firmware releases it is planned to add more modes as “Daily Scheduled” and “Weekly scheduled”.