Stand 31.07.08, PW 30, PW 30 HV, Profile roll
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Safety during the use of the machine
Assure before use of the machine that no person is in danger or property values
are damaged.
Do not accomplish work at and with the machine which is safety alarming:
Assure that other people are not endangered by you
Observe the maximum bending capacity of the machine
Always deactivate the machine for control measurement at the work part
Wear adequate protective equipment
Never work at the machine if your concentration is limited (f. e. by
Follow the using, attendance and maintenance instructions in this user
Observe the accident prevention regulations that are effective for your
Announce abnormalities and defects directly to your superior
Only leave the machine after deactivation if it has stopped completely
1.10 Safety during general maintenance work
Before you begin with maintenance work at the machine you are bound to inform
the operating personnel.
Announce and document changes which are safety relevant. Do not execute
changes without consultation with the manufacturer. Refresh the operation
manual only in consultation with the manufacturer. Only instruct the operation
personnel if all changes are approved.
Document the instruction in an adequate way.