dataPAC User’s Guide
Chapter 2 - The dataPAC
Main keys
The round keys located above the display are the Main keys. The primary functions of these
keys are:
<STORE> - The store key causes the dataPAC to begin collecting data when you are
using the Data Collection Program and you have selected a route. You may press
<STORE> a second time to indicate a stable signal if you did not enable the Auto Store
option. There are right and left store keys for convenient right- or left-handed operation.
<ADV> - The advance key causes the dataPAC to move to the next point on the
selected route. You do not have to use this key if you set the collector to Auto Advance.
You can also use this key in combination with the shift key to move forward to the next
point on the route for which data has not been collected. Simply press
<DEC> - The decrement key causes the dataPAC to move to the previous point on the
selected route. You can also use this key in combination with the shift key to move
backward to the next point on the route for which data has not been collected. Simply
press <SHIFT><DEC>.
<SKIP> - The skip key allows you to skip over points, routes, or trains until you select
a desired point. The active skip level is highlighted in the display, so if Plant is
highlighted, you will skip to the next plant when you press <SKIP>. You can also use
this key in combination with the shift key to skip backward at the active skip level.
Simply press <SHIFT><SKIP>.
Menu keys
You use the Menu keys when moving through different menus and making selections within
menus. Menu keys are located below the display. Press the key to activate the function in
white. Press the shift key before pressing the key to activate the function in blue text.
<ON/OFF> - This power key turns the data collector on. To turn the data collector off, press
<SHIFT> - The shift key accesses the second functions of other keys. After you press the
shift key, the light at the top of the dataPAC between the <DEC> and <SKIP> keys remains
on until you press another key. To cancel the shift key, press <SHIFT> again and the light
turns off.
</-> or <SELECT/ESCAPE>- The select key chooses the item that is
highlighted. You can use the arrow keys to move up and down in a menu to select different
menu choices. In many menus, pressing <SHIFT><SELECT> allows you to escape without
making a selection.
<DONE/.> or <DONE/SAVE SCREEN>- The done key completes an action. The
dataPAC sometimes gives you a message in the status bar telling you to complete the action.
Generally, this causes the dataPAC to complete the action in the current window and return
to the last window that was open. Pressing <SHIFT><DONE> allows you to save the screen
capture, or print directly from the screen.
<RETURN/MANAGER> - The return key leaves the current program (without closing it)
and returns to the previous program or to the Program Manager window. You can also use
this key in combination with the shift key to return directly to the Program Manager
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com