Setting Up and Collecting Off Route Overall Measurements
dataPAC User’s Guide
Xdcr Native Units
The Transducer Native Units parameter specifies the type of transducer connected to your
dataPAC. The choice of this parameter controls the list of possible selections available for
the Measurement Variable parameter.
Meas. Variable
The Measurement Variable parameter selects the signal measurement coming from the
transducer. For example, if you have an accelerometer, you can measure acceleration,
velocity, or displacement.
Unit Text
The Unit Text parameter selects the signal detection display for this measurement. Select
from the available list: RMS, Pk, Pk-Pk, or Other.
The list of selections is dependent upon current selections in the previous two parameters:
Transducer Native Units and Measurement Variable. Note that this simply specifies the text
that is used to label the measurement.
Decay Time
The Decay Time parameter specifies how long a peak is held before a new peak is captured.
A captured peak is exponentially decayed towards zero with each measurement update. If a
new peak is detected that is larger than the decayed peak, the peak value is updated. This
parameter specifies the time it takes for a detected peak to decay to 37% of its original
value. New peaks are those that fall above the decayed value.
Hardware Range
The Hardware Range parameter sets a maximum range for this measurement. Selecting
Auto Range causes the system to select an optimum range after you press <STORE> to start
a measurement. Generally, you should use Auto Range. However, if want to specify a range,
you can select one from the list.
Note: The scaling that is used to display the measured data is controlled with the Display Scaling
Display Scaling
The Display Scaling parameter controls the scale used to display the measured data. Auto
Scale or Track Hardware Range are good options, but if you want to take measurements
from several places for comparison, you may want to specify a range so that your displays
can be easily compared. Your choices are:
Auto Scale - The display scale automatically adjusts to the measured data.
Track Hardware Range - Presents the data on the same hardware range that it uses to
measure the data.
Fixed display ranges - Select from the list of supported ranges.
Low Frequency Corner
The Low Frequency Corner defines the frequency below which the input signal is
significantly attenuated. This selection may affect the time required for the input signal to
settle. The lower the frequency, the longer the time required for the signal to settle.
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com