Hold function: “freezes” the outputs
The current output is “frozen” in the setup mode and during calibration, i.e. the last current
value is constantly output. HOLD appears on the display. In case of steady control (4... 20 mA)
on current output 2, it is set to 0/4 mA during Hold.
Hold settings can be found in
Chap. 5.6, function S2.
During hold, all contacts will go to
their normal positions.
An active hold has priority over all
other automatic functions.
With every hold, the I component
of the controller is set to zero.
A possibly accumulated alarm
delay is reset to “0".
The hold function can also be
activated externally via the hold
input (see wiring diagram in Fig.
3.10; digital input 1).
The manual hold (field S3) remains
active even after a power failure.
Liquisys M COM 223 F / 253 F