Gammapilot M FMG60 PROFIBUS PA
PROFIBUS PA interface
Device address
Selecting the device address
• Every PROFIBUS-PA device must be given an address. If the address is not set correctly, the
device will not be recognized by the process control system.
• A device address may appear only once within a particular PROFIBUS-PA network.
• Valid device addresses are in the range 0 and 126. All devices are delivered from the
factory with the software address 126.
Configuring the device address
The default address 126 can be used to check the function of the device and connect it to an
operating PROFIBUS-PA system. After this, the address must be changed before further
devices can be connected to the network. The following options are available for setting the
1. The address can be set by means of the
display and operating module VU331 (in the
. For this purpose, got to the "Profibus Param" function group and enter the
desired address in the
"Instrument address" (*60) function
2. The address can be set by means of the
For this purpose, got to the "Profibus Param" function group and enter the desired
address in the
"Instrument address" (*) function