PlasmaQuant 9100 (Elite)
Installation and commissioning
The operator can set the following parameters within the specified ranges in the Au-
tosampler window in the Dilute tab:
Max. dilution factor and Min. dilution factor
Vessel wash cycles
Vortexing speed
Air gap volume
Aspiration speed diluent, Aspiration speed sample and Dispense speed
Syringe delay
When the sampler, the dilution system and the switching valve are coupled, the opera-
tor controls the switching valve via the ASpect PQ software.
Adjust the following settings in the analysis system during switching valve commission-
ing: (These settings do not usually require changes during operation.)
Loop Rinse Delay and Extra Loop Rinse
Loop Evacuation Delay and Loop Load Time
Equalization Delay
Time To Evacuate Probe and Probe Wash
Rinse Station Fill
When operating the sample and switching valve
the dilution system:
Install the Dashboard software, see user manual of the accessory.
Operate the switching valve in automatic mode (default).
During commissioning: Adjust settings such as Loop Rinse Delay in the analysis sys-
tem via the Dashboard software.
Installing the IsoMist XR temperature-controlled spray chamber
Risk of frostbite
The spray chamber and the inner surfaces of the Peltier element can become very cold
(temperature range: -25 °C to +80 °C ).
Do not touch the spray chamber or Peltier element during or directly after operation.