Handheld Probe Scan
The handheld probe is meant to provide the user with a method to easily collect and display data from
sensors other than the EMxpert probes. EMxpert is compatible with any sensor that the user wishes to
use and that can be connected to a supported spectrum analyzer.
Note that the function and operation of the Handheld Probe Scan is very similar to the Spectral Spatial
Scan function. We will ask the user to refer to this section for many of the advanced features of the node
and only deal with the data collection and differences in this section.
Add Handheld Probe Scan node to Project node (please refer to
page 36
). Node settings window
automatically opens.
Handheld Probe Scan inherits the setting parameters that were
selected in the settings of the Project node (please refer to
). You can override any of the inherited setting parameters by
modifying the tabs in the Handheld Probe Scan settings window.
The tabs in the Handheld Scan Settings window are covered in
the following pages.
Spectral Scan Tab
1. Enter
Start Frequency
Stop Frequency
to identify the
span of the Spectral Scan to be implemented. The Stop
Frequency can be any frequency supported by the handheld
probe and spectrum analyzer; it is not limited to the 4 GHz or 8 GHz limit of the EMxpert scanner.
2. RBW (Resolution Bandwidth):
It is set by default at 120 kHz and can be reduced to the lowest level
allowed by the spectrum analyzer. Decreasing the bandwidth will improve the amplitude accuracy
and increase the sensitivity; the scan will however take more time to complete. The bandwidth you
choose should not be disproportionate to the span. The suggested ratio of Span/RBW should be
<10,000 e.g. 10 kHz bandwidth with a 100 MHz span, 100 kHz bandwidth with a 1 GHz span so that
the scan can finish in a reasonable time.
3. Reference Level:
This feature is no longer relevant and will be removed at the next software release.
4. Measure Peaks:
It activates the peak marking feature whereby peaks are rescanned at a tighter
bandwidth in order to accurately measure the frequency as long as the peak’s value is 5 dB above
the average noise floor of the scan. By default the maximum number of peaks is set to 10. The
maximum number peaks that can be measured is 30. There is little value in activating this feature in
the Handheld Probe node.
5. Peak Hold: This feature is not active for Handheld Probe Scan.
6. Click Apply
EMxpert Software
Handheld Probe Scan
FSU AND FSL: The RBW is only selected from the list of available filters in the Gaussian (3dB)
aka Normal folder. The EMxpert settings will default to the closest RBW if the requested filter is not
available. For the FSL and FSU, the end-user can pre-select the Gaussian or the EMI folder on the
spectrum analyzer before connecting to the EMxpert application. The EMxpert will then use the
filters available in the selected folder.