All scan types in a project are called nodes.
A project
is the root node. It can be considered a folder like in Windows directories to store related
data. You can add different types of scans and/or notes to a project node. You can rename, copy and
paste a node or node settings only. Project’s settings are inherited throughout the entire project tree.
A module
is the sub-root node. It can be considered as a subfolder like in Windows directories to
store related data. You can add different types of scans and/or notes to a project node. You can rename,
copy and paste a node or node settings only. Module’s settings are inherited throughout the module tree
only. Modules can be used to store data for different revisions of the PCB.
Nodes that don’t contain any data are light colored.
How to Add a Node?
To add a node either right click on the Project node, click on Add Node and then select one of the scans,
or click on one of the icons on the side bar to the left of the Project node.
How to Name a Node?
To name a node open the Settings of the node and click on the “Description” tab. When you add a node
for the first time, the Settings window opens automatically. If you want to rename a node after you add
the node, either right click on the node and select Settings or select the node and then click the Settings
button on the task bar.
How to View a Node?
Double click on the node that you want to view or right click and select Open View.
EMxpert Software