Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
The Interferential 960 provides 4-pole and 2-pole Interferential
electrotherapy only.
The Multidyne 970 provides a complete range of low and medium
frequency waveforms (including Interferential) for electrotherapy and
Indications for use
Therapeutic voltage and current waveforms may be applied to a wide range
of conditions with successful outcomes. These include acute and subacute
traumatic and inflammatory conditions, chronic rheumatoid and arthritic
conditions, and for pain relief.
The therapist must be aware of the following precautions and potential
Simultaneous connection of a patient to high frequency surgical equipment
may result in burns at the site of the stimulator electrodes and possible
damage to the stimulator itself.
Operation in close proximity (less than 1 metre) to shortwave or microwave
therapy equipment may produce instability in the stimulator output.
Consideration must be given to the current densities for any electrode used
with the Multidyne 970 Unit. Current densities greater than 2 mA rms/cm
are not recommended because of the risk of burning. All the standard EMS
conductive rubber electrodes may be used up to the maximum output of
the unit without exceeding this figure. When using other electrodes, the
maximum safe output current should be assessed before use. First
estimate the effective contact area of the electrode in square cm, and then
apply the following formula: -
rms output current (mA) = Area of electrode (cm
) x 2
The ratio of the rms to the peak current for the different operating modes is
given in the technical specification section of this manual.
The output indication on the LCD shows the peak output voltage or the
peak output current in mA depending upon the selected mode of operation.
When using direct current, extreme care must be taken to ensure the
patient's safety from electrochemical burning. In particular, care must be
taken to avoid uneven pressure on the electrodes causing high local