Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
Connect the patient lead to the output socket of the unit. Attach suitable
electrodes to the patient and connect the patient lead to the electrode using
the blue and yellow cables provided. The yellow cables are channel A and
the blue cables channel B.
For stimulation modes that have a dc component, the number 1 lead is
positive and the number 2 lead negative.
Check that all the unit settings are as required for the chosen type of
stimulation. Slowly turn the rotary control clockwise whilst pressing and
holding the relevant Output Channel button (right-hand side of screen) to
increase the output level*. If the treatment time is zero the unit will give a
short alarm to indicate that the output cannot be energised.
If the treatment time is not zero, the output of the stimulator will be
energised, the output symbol will flash and the treatment time will begin to
count down. Advance the output control slowly, until the desired effect of
the stimulation is produced.
*4-pole interferential does not have independent output channels.
Always advance the output control slowly.
During the last 5 seconds of any treatment, both outputs are smoothly
reduced to zero.
During any treatment, a ‘Stop’ button appears in the bottom right-hand
corner of the screen –
Pressing this causes both outputs to reduce smoothly to zero over a period
of 5 seconds.