Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
User programs
The Interferential 960/Multidyne 970 can store up to 10 user defined set-
ups. Touch the User button (or the User Programs button in the System
Menu screen) to go to this screen -
The LCD shows the 10 user programs as file cards with numbered tabs. To
select a program card just touch its tab.
To load a program press Load. The settings shown on the file card will be
loaded and the user will be returned to the set-up screen. If an empty card
is selected the unit will give a short beep and no action will be taken.
To save the current set-up as a user program, select the card to which the
set-up is to be saved by touching its tab and press Save. The settings will
be saved and displayed on the selected card.
To erase a program saved on the current card, press Erase. “Not Used” will
be displayed on the selected card to confirm the action.
Select the Quit option to return to the System Menu page.