Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
Appendix A – overview of treatment modality
Low-frequency stimulation
Diadynamic currents were introduced by Dr. Pierre Bernard. They are
various combinations of half and full wave rectified 50 Hz sinewaves. Their
therapeutic benefits include pain relief, reduction of swelling and
inflammation, increased local circulation, muscle strengthening and re-
education. The Multidyne 970 produces DF (diphasé fixe), MF (monophasé
fixe), CP (courtes périodes), CPiso (courtes périodes isodynamique), LP
(longues périodes) and RS (rhythme syncope) waveforms.
Surged 50 Hz sinusoidal currents may be used to produce rhythmical
muscle contraction. This can help in the reduction of oedema and produce
an increase in circulation in the treated area.
Faradic pulses are of short duration (less than 1 ms) and have a repetition
rate of 50 Hz. They are normally surged to produce rhythmical muscle
Galvanic or direct current is used for pain relief and iontophoresis.
The Multidyne 970 produces a wide range of interrupted galvanic pulses.
Rectangular pulses from 10µs to 1s are available and other shapes from 1
ms to 1s.
Trabert’s current, sometimes known as ultra-reiz, has a fixed pulse width of
2 ms and a period of 7 ms, and is used for pain relief.
The Medi-Wave signal is a bipolar exponential decaying wave, which
emulates the H waveform found in nerve signals (Hoffman reflex). At low
repetition frequencies (2 Hz), Medi-Wave offers profound muscle
stimulation and at higher frequencies (60 Hz) deep analgesic pain control.