Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
It is recommended that only electrodes supplied by EMS Physio Ltd. are
used with the Interferential 960/Multidyne 970. Three sizes of conductive
rubber electrodes are available. These are small (70 x 50 mm), medium
(100 x 70 mm) or large (130 x 100 mm). Replacement sponge covers are
available for each electrode.
In most applications it is sensible to use as large an electrode as is
practical for the area of the body being treated. This will also reduce the
possibility of any adverse effects at the site of the electrode due to high
current density.
Inspect the area to be treated to ensure there are no open wounds, areas
of infection, abrasions etc. Wash the skin in warm soapy water to minimise
skin impedance and remove any creams or gels that may have been used.
Explain to the patient what is being done and what is going to happen.
Soak the sponge electrode covers in warm water. In a soft water area it
may be necessary to add a small amount of bicarbonate of soda to the
water to ensure low contact impedance for the electrodes. Fit the rubber
electrodes fully into the sponge covers.
Apply the electrodes to the patient using the elasticated bandages
supplied. The bandages must cover the whole of the electrode and
maintain an even pressure in order to achieve a uniform current flow. A
piece of polythene may be used between the top surface of the sponge
cover and the elasticated bandage to prevent the bandage becoming wet.
Connect the electrodes to the stimulator output with the cables provided.
For DC applications the yellow lead is positive and the blue negative.
It is important to ensure that the patient feels the expected sensation in the
required area during treatment, otherwise the electrodes should be
The electrodes must never be placed so that the stimulating current
crosses the chest or passes near the heart.
Re-useable electrodes should be cleaned and disinfected between
A full range of self-adhesive electrodes is also available (see technical
specification section).