Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
The pattern determines the rate at which the beat frequency
sweeps between the base and peak frequencies. Three patterns are
The 1|1 pattern gives 1 second at the base frequency followed by 1 second
at the peak frequency.
The 6|6 pattern gives 5 seconds at the base frequency, sweeps linearly to
the peak frequency in 1 second, followed by 5 seconds at the peak
frequency and finally sweeps back to the base frequency in 1 second.
The 6/\6 pattern sweeps from the base to the peak frequency in 6 seconds
and then sweeps back to the base frequency in 6 seconds.
To change the pattern press the Pattern button.
When the vector option is set to off, output channels A and B
deliver the same output level (current or voltage). When the vector option is
on, the relative amplitude of the outputs is slowly varied.
Over 5 seconds the output of channel A will increase smoothly from 80% of
its nominal amplitude to 100% while the output of channel B falls from
100% to 80%. During the next 5 seconds A will return to 80% and B will
rise to 100% and so on. The effect is to move the physical location of the
point of maximum stimulation in the tissue and therefore, increase the
treatment area.
To change the vector option press the vector button.
The output from the unit may be set to be constant current (CC) or
constant voltage (CV) in nature. In constant current mode the electrode
impedance is monitored and if the impedance for either channel is too high
then the output is terminated and an alarm sounded. In constant voltage
mode, if the electrode impedance rises then the output is automatically
reduced. Normally, constant current mode would be used. If the unit is
used for combination therapy or with internal electrodes (vaginal or anal)
then constant voltage is recommended.
The Prot button (interferential mode only) gives access to a
range of pre-set parameter settings aimed at treating various listed
conditions – these are explained in more detail later in this manual.