Interferential 960/Multidyne 970
Diadynamic set-up
(Multidyne 970 only)
Treatment time:
is set as already described.
The diadynamic waveform may be selected by pressing the Type
button. The full range of diadynamic waveforms is available: DF - diaphasé
fixe, MF - monophasé fixe, CP - modulé en courtes périodes, Cpiso -
modulé en courtes périodes isodynamique, RS - rythme syncopé and LP -
modulé en longues périodes. Full details of these waveforms are given in
the technical specification section of this manual.
This reverses the polarity of the waveforms (see technical spec.).
It is particularly used in combination therapy where the ultrasound head
becomes one electrode, and this switch will change the polarity of the
stimulator waveform relative to the ultrasound head. If the Autorev option is
selected, the polarity of the output will automatically reverse half way
through the selected treatment time.
The output may be set to be constant current (CC) or constant
voltage (CV) by pressing the CC/CV button.