Bone vibrator placement
Air conduction frequency range
125 Hz - 8 kHz standard
8 kHz - 16 kHz extended
Bone vibrator frequency range
250 Hz - 4 kHz
Frequency accuracy
< 0.05 %
Air conduction total harmonic distortion
< 3 %
Bone vibrator total harmonic distortion
< 6 %
Bone vibrator headband static force
5.4 N ±0.5 N
Air conduction calibration coupler
IEC 60318-4 (IEC 711)
Ear Simulator
RETSPL as per ISO 389-2, ISO 389-4*
Bone vibrator calibration coupler
IEC 60318-1 Ear Simulator with IEC 60318-6 Artificial Mastoid
RETSPL as per ISO 389-3
Tone presentation
Pure tone or warble tone
Warble tone waveform
Warble tone repetition rate
4 - 20 Hz, Default = 5 Hz
Warble tone frequency deviation
5 - 25 %, Default = 10 %
Narrow band noise automatically centered at the test frequency
*The default extended high frequency (9 kHz - 16 kHz) reference equivalent threshold sound pressure
levels (RETSPL) are different to those of ISO 389-5 for insert earphones.
Speech Testing Specifications
Kuduwave ™ built-in insert earphone
Speech weighted random noise
Spectrum constant from 125 Hz to 1000 Hz, then -12 dB/oct from
1 kHz to 6 kHz (tolerance-3 dB to +5 dB)
All pre-recorded words in word lists calibrated against 1 kHz
calibration signal
Additional Audiometry Specifications
Talk forward
~40 - 100 dBHL adjustable
Modes of operation
Automatic shortened ascending (Hughson and Westlake method
- ISO 8253-1)
Automatic standard ascending Shortened and standard
Fixed frequency Békésy sweep (optional)
Pure tone Stenger (optional)
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