Additional technical support is also available via our ticket based system, online chat, email and
telephone with the Kuduwave support team. Additional group or one-one training may be provided at a
cost, to be determined at such time as it is necessary.
Description of Symbols
The following important symbols are used on the Kuduwave and its components.:
Manufacturer, eMoyoDotNetza (Pty) Ltd, 179 Beyers Naude Drive,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Symbol designating Type B Applied Parts as per BS EN 60601-1.
Caution. Indicates the need for the user to consult the instructions for use for important
cautionary information such as warnings and precautions that cannot, for a variety of
reasons, be presented on the medical device itself.
Consult instructions for use. Indicates the need for the user to consult the instructions for
Single use only.
Serial number.
Batch code. Indicates the manufacturer's batch code so that the batch or lot can be
Ingress protection.
Keep Dry. Indicates that the medical device needs to be protected from moisture
Temperature limit. Indicates the temperature limits to which the medical device can be
exposed safely.
Humidity limit. Indicates the range of humidity to which the medical device can be safely
Fragile, handle with care. Indicates a medical device that can be broken or damaged if not
handled carefully.
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