Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BF
May 2019
Rosemount 8600 Vortex Flow Meter
Primary Variable (PV)
The measured value of the variable mapped to the primary variable. This can be either
Process Temperature (MTA option only) or Flow. Flow variables are available as mass,
volume, or velocity. When bench commissioning, the flow values for each variable should
be zero and the temperature value should be the ambient temperature.
If the units for the flow or temperature variables are not correct, refer to
. Use the Process Variable Units function to select the units for your
PV% of range
The primary variable as a percentage of range provides a gauge as to where the current
measurement of the meter is within the configured range of the meter. For example, the
range may be defined as 0 gal/min to 20 gal/min. If the current flow is 10 gal/min, the
percent of range is 50 percent.
Analog output
The analog output variable provides the analog value for the primary variable. The analog
output refers to the industry standard output in the 4–20 mA range. Check the analog
output value against the actual loop reading given by a multi-meter. If it does not match, a
4–20 mA trim is required. See D/A Trim (Digital-to-Analog Trim).
View other variables
Allows for the viewing and configuration of other variables such as flow units, totalizer
operation, and pulse output.
Volume flow
Allows the user to view the current volumetric flow value.
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1, 1, 4
1, 1, 4, 1, 1