User Manual
Chapter 1
Oct 2019
Figure 4: Programmer Connection
Basic System: One RX3i CPU and One ECM850
Using a Single Port
Components of an RX3i IEC 61850 network consist of an ECM850 in the RX3i main rack
communicating with IEDs on an IEC 61850 Substation bus (an Ethernet LAN). The main RX3i
rack can include up to four ECM850s, each communicating with its own high-speed
network(s). IEDs on the network can include Emerson IEDs and a wide range of third-party
devices which provide IEC 61850 server functionality. For example, the illustration below
shows a basic system with one PACSystems RX3i CPU node having one ECM850, and one
IEC 61850 network with three Emerson IEDs and one third-party IED. Up to 32 IEDs can be
installed on a single RX3i IEC 61850 network.