1592025050 iProChill v2.5 10D00 AG v1.3 GB 18.02.2016.docx
Par. AL43 anti-freeze alarm delay (air/air unit low outlet air temperature) on unit start-up in heating working
If in stand-by/OFF remote working, the unit has an anti-freeze alarm and the time set in the Par. AL43 is
different to zero; by selecting working in heating mode from the key or digital input the anti-freeze situation is
reset and the compressors can be switched-on for the time set in the Par. AL35 as the unit heats the water
or the air. On expiry of the AL43 delay time, if the Pbr anti-freeze regulation probe still measures a
temperature <= AL41 set for at least AL44 seconds, the unit is blocked and an anti-freeze alarm is
Alarm code
(Low temperature/anti-freeze alarm in circuit n° 1..4)
Display in keyboard
Antif/lo temp.C1 (AI)-
…Antif/lo temp.C4 (AI)
Cause of activation
In air/air unit, the low temperature alarm is detected. In other types of unit,
antifreeze alarm is detected.
It is detected both in heat pump working mode and stand-by/OFF-remote
mode. And the circuit must be configured with compressors.
(For heat pump mode, when unit just switch on, this alarm is detected only
after AL43 delay past.)
Select probes between condenser probes(AI type=23
…32) by par AL49 and
If the unit is working in chiller mode, when the selected probes value <=
AL34 set for AL36 time, alarm occur.
If the unit is working in heat pump mode, when the selected probes value
<= AL41 set for AL44 time, alarm occur.
If the unit is in stand-by/OFF-remote mode, chose the highest value
between AL34 and AL41 as SET, when the selected probes value <= SET
set for AL36/AL44 time, alarm occur.
Unit ON in chiller mode: Regulation probe for Pbr anti-freeze temperature
>= AL34 set + AL35 differential.
Unit ON in heat pump mode: Regulation probe for anti-freeze temperature
>= A41 set + AL42 differential.
Unit OFF: Regulation probe for anti-freeze temperature >= (AL34/AL41)
set + (AL35/AL42) differential.
– becomes manual after certain number of interventions/hour (reset
procedure in functions menu)
This number can be:
Chiller: AL37
Heat pump: AL45
Unit OFF: the minimum between AL37 and AL45
If AL38 = 0 only the compressors are switched off. The label alarm is signalled
by the alarm relay, buzzer and the heaters are not activated
If AL38 = 1 the compressors are switched off. The label alarm is signalled and
the alarm relay + buzzer are activated. If the anti-freeze alarm comes from DI
the anti-freeze heaters are also activated
If AL38 = 1 Relay + buzzer act anti-freeze heaters
Reverse valve
it follows its regulation
Recovery valve
it follows its regulation
Free-cooling on/off valve
it follows its regulation
Auxiliary relay
It follows/they follow its/their regulation
Idle running valve
It follows its regulation
Supply ventilation
If air/air unit off
Condensation ventilation
It follows its regulation