User manual IPM500 EN rel1.0.doc
iPro Series
Using the VISOGRAPH LCD graphic keyboard, it is possible to monitor and modify the status of the master
unit and the system status.
Main information:
Status: here is shown the working mode and the state of the system (Cooling, Heating or Off).
Regulation Probe: here is shown the regulation value. According to the configuration this may be a
physical probe connected to the expansion boad or the average value of the slave units regulation
Set Point: When the unit is ON, here is shown the actual regulation set point according to the Status
(Cooling set or Heating set).
Date & Time: here is shown the current date and time programmed in the master unit.
Number of Units: this number raprresent the number of slave units connected to the system.
Active\Available power steps: These numbers show the number of active and available power steps
in the system
Active\Available water pumps: These numbers are shown only when the expansion board is
available and has configured the system water pumps. Show the number of active and available
water pumps.
Main actions:
On\Off: this key is used to turn on and off the system when it is configured only for cooling or only for
heating. In case of Cool & Heat configuration is used to turn on the system in cooling mode.
Set Point page: this button open the screen for the configuration of the set points.
Hidden On\Off: The third button is used to turn on the heating mode when the system is configuraed
for both cooling and heating.
Unit page: this button open the Units screen to show the overall slaves status.
Alarm Page: this button open the alarms and notify page. When a notify is active a bell will be shown
on the top roght of the screen. When an alarm is active a danger symbol will appear on the right side
square of the screen.
Service Page: thus button open up the service menu where is possible to define parameters and
activate special functions.