February 2019
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3
Section 14: Lubricant Recommendation and Requirements
Lubricant Recommendation and Requirements
Application example:
Extremely low DT + extremely low ambient tempe high speed + 87% utilization
=> 0,8 x 0,9 x 0,8 x 0,9 =0,51 reduction factor
Lubrication maintenance interval => 10 years x 0,51 =5,1 years (62 months).
This calculated maintenance interval does neither apply to the maintenance of output type
A (threated bushing) units nor to the maintenance of linear and spindle drive units.
These units must periodically lubricated (at least every 6 months) via the grease nipples
(see Section 14).
During maintenance of our actuators, remove and replace old grease with new one.
Mixing of different lubricant types is NOT permitted.
Quantities needed for lubricant service are listed in Section 14.