MES3000 Ethernet switch series
Set the value of
Type of Service
byte transmitted in Differentiated
Services Field of the IP packet header.
—value of Type of Service byte in Differentiated Services
no tos
Set the default Type of Service byte value.
(1..63) characters
Define the text tag for operation.
no tag
Remove the text tag.
For normal execution of ICMP Echo operation, the value of operation execution frequency
should be greater than the value of operation timeout.
Example of statistics output for ICMP Echo operation:
IP SLA Statistics for Index 12
Operational state of entry: Active
Type of operation: icmp-echo
Latest operation return code: OK
Latest latency value: 7 ms
Latency values:
Number of operations: 2182
Latency Min/Avg/Max: 1/6/18 ms
Number of successes: 2178
Number of failures: 4
Failed operations due to TimeOut/Unable Send/Bad Reply: 4/0/0
Failed operations due to Unreachable Net/Host/Protocol: 0/0/0
Failed operations due to Exceeded TTL/Time of reassembly: 0/0
Latest operation return code
: completion code of the last executed operation:
: previous operation has been completed successfully.
: measurement attempt has failed.
Latest latency value
: value of the last successfully measured ICMP packet transit time.
Number of operations
: number of operation executions.
Latency Min/Avg/Max
: minimal, average and maximum packet transit times collected
during the lifetime of the operation.
Number of successes
: number of successfully completed operations.
Number of failures
: number of failed operations.
Failed operations
: counters that show the number of measurement operations completed
with the respective error code.
UDP Jitter operation
Each UDP Jitter operation initiates the transmission of UDP multi-packet sequence. The sequence
has the following parameters: number of packets in a sequence and time interval between transmissions.
Main measured parameter is a jitter—variation in a packet interval. UDP Jitter operation also allows to
measure packet bidirectional and unidirectional transit time from source to destination and back.
UDP Jitter operation requires IP SLA functionality support on the remote device and is not
compatible with third-party devices.
For UDP packet unidirectional transit time measurements, you should perform an accurate
clock synchronization on sending and receiving devices.
Before creating UDP Jitter operation, you should also configure UDP ports for IP SLA Responder on
the remote device participating in packet exchange. This UDP port should be specified as a destination
port upon creation of UDP Jitter operation.