MES3000 Ethernet switch series
Show alarm events configuration with the index '1':
show rmon alarm
Alarm 1
Last sample Value: 878128
Interval: 30
Sample Type: delta
Startup Alarm: rising
Rising Threshold: 8700000
Falling Threshold: 78
Rising Event: 1
Falling Event: 1
Owner: CLI
Table 5.163 —Description of results
Controlled variable OID.
Last Sample Value
Variable value at the last control interval. If the default variable collection method is
, it will be absolute variable value; if the method is
, it will be the difference
between the variable values at the start point and the end point of the control interval.
Time interval in seconds when data is collected and compared to upper and lower
Sample Type
Variable collection and value calculation method for the threshold comparison.
method—absolute value of the selected variable will be compared to the threshold at
the end point of the control interval.
method—value of the variable collected in
the last selection will be deducted from the current value and the difference will be
compared to thresholds (the difference between the variable values at the start point
and the end point of the control interval).
Startup Alarm
Event generation instruction at the first control interval. Define alarm event generation
rules for the first control interval by comparing the selected variable with the one of the
thresholds or both thresholds.
—generate a single alarm event for the rising threshold, if the selected variable
value at the first control interval is above or equal to this threshold.
—generate a single alarm event for the falling threshold, if the selected variable
value at the first control interval is below or equal to this threshold.
—generate a single alarm event for the rising and/or falling threshold, if the
selected variable value at the first control interval is is above or equal to the rising
threshold/below or equal to the falling threshold.
Rising Threshold
Rising threshold value. When the selected variable value at the previous control interval
is less than the threshold and at the current control interval more or equal to threshold
value, the single event is generated.
Falling Threshold
Falling threshold value. When the selected variable value at the previous control interval
is more than the threshold, and at the current control interval less or equal to threshold
value, the single event is generated.
Rising Event
Event index used when the rising threshold is crossed.
Falling Event
Event index used when the falling threshold is crossed.
User, that created the record.
Show RMON remote monitoring event table.
show rmon events