BCU 580 · Edition 11.15
10 .7 .4 Valve opening time 1 t
Parameter 59
This parameter is used to define the opening time for the
valves (2 to 25 s) which are opened to fill or discharge the test
volume between the gas valves. If the preset opening time t
= 2 s is inadequate (e.g. if slow opening valves are used) to
fill the test volume or reduce the pressure between the valves,
bypass valves can be used instead of the main valves.
The opening time may be longer than the 3 s permitted by the
standard (EN 1643:2000) if
– the gas volume which flows into the combustion chamber
is equal to, or less than, 0.083 % of the maximum flow
– if bypass valves are used.
Parameters > Valve check