BCU 580 · Edition 11.15
10 .5 Safety limits
Parameter 19 can be used to adjust the safety limits (safety
time during operation) to the system requirements.
10 .5 .1 Safety time during operation
Parameter 19
Parameter 19 = 1; 2: time in seconds.
The safety time during operation is the time that the BCU needs
to stop the fuel supply after a flame failure during operation or
an interruption at the safety current inputs (terminals 45 to 51
and 65 to 68). The safety time can be set to 1 or 2 s. Prolong-
ing the safety time during operation increases the installation
availability in the case of brief-duration signal fades (e.g. fades
of the flame signal).
In accordance with EN 298, the maximum reaction time to a
flame failure must not exceed 1 s. In accordance with EN 746-2,
the safety time of the installation during operation (total closing
time) may not exceed 3 s.
The requirements of national standards and regulations must
be satisfied.