Manual: R1300-X-00-X_EN Release: 1.04 © Elotech GmbH Page 16/20
self tuning
self tuning out of action
self tuning on request ( one time)
self tuning automatically if the controller is switched on
and if the difference between process value and
setpoint is > 7 % of the range.
The tuning algorithm determines the characteristic values within the controlled process, and calculates
the valid feedback parameters ( P,D,I ) and the cycle time ( C = 0.3 x D ) of a PD/I-controller for a
wide section of the range.
The determined parameters for heating are also adopted for cooling.
The self tuning activates during start-up shortly before the setpoint (Set) is reached. The setpoint must
amount to the least 5% of the total range.
If activated after the setpoint has already been reached, the temperature will first drop by approx. 5%
of the total range, in order to detect the exact amplification of the process.
The tuning algorithm can be activated at any time by selecting th
e OPT=on and pressing the „E“-key.
During self tuning „Opt“ is shown in the display, alternating with the setpoint value.
Using the heat-cool controller, the temperature drop will be accelerated by switching on the cooling
for a short duration.
After having calculated the correct feedback parameters, the controller will lead the process value
to the setpoint.
OPT on
OPT on
Self tune
Self tune, after the setpoint
during start-up
has already been reached
tuning can be stopped by selecting the option OPT = OFF and pressing the „E“ - key.
OFSt process value offset
-999 ... OFF ...1000 Units
(ex works: OFF)
-99,9 ... OFF ... 100,0
-9,99 ... OFF ... 10,00
This parameter serves to correct the input signal, e.g. for:
the correction of a gradient between the measuring point and the sensor tip,
the line resistance balancing of 2-line RTD (Pt100) sensors and
correction of the control devition when using P- or PD-action.
If for example the offset value is set to +5°C, then the real temperature measured by the
sensor (when process is balanced) is 5°C less than the setpoint and the displayed process value.