System information at start of programme
When this option is activated, there will be a pop-up window displayed for a few seconds after every
starting of the display. This depicts the serial number, current network settings and the currents
software version. In an emergency this information helps with a quicker diagnosis of problems.
Special Text
In the application profile CANopen CiA417, the special signals (messages) that can be output on
displays or in displays, are defined. Here, both, controller and other bus users, can output several special
signals simultaneously. Some special signals are only informative, while others are required by the
norm. The setting of the special signals for the respective application takes place by configuring the
displays. Depending on the display, different special signals can be displayed at the same time, whereby
some of the special signals defined in the standard should only be output with special applications. In
addition, flexyPage displays can display additional data as special text, such as the status of special
signals and the status of the door.
Out of this, the following categories result:
Special signals
In this menu, an image and a text can be defined for the special signal message. These will be
used by all widgets that can display information.
Special functions
In this menu, texts and pictures for special functions can be defined.
An image and a text for the states of the door are determined here as well. Again, these will
then be used by all the widgets that can display this information. However, in order to be able to
display these states, a CANopen-capable door is necessary.
Deactivation of special signals or functions
If a message shall not be displayed and shall be ignored by the widgets, the text field needs to be empty.
Each lift controller sends different signals Therefore, the parameters have to be adapted for each of
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06