verified, and a connection to the board via,
is not possible. Consequently, internet access
will not be possible and the green indicator with the safety lock, which is visible in figure before, will turn
It is also possible to run the updates via an USB flash drive.
Preparing the USB-flash-drive
The installation via the USB flash drive requires a FAT32 formatted USB flash drive. Please note that a
partition is created on the stick. Without this partition, the update will fail. The previously downloaded
file is then copied onto the prepared stick. The file must be at the top level of the directory structure. The
file name needs to be in the form of:
thus, for example
If a version <0.22.x is installed on the display, the file on the USB flash drive must be renamed to
The prepared USB flash drive can now be plugged into the USB slot of the flexyPage controller. After
restarting the board, the update is installed. This process may take several minutes. Finally, you should
be able to read the updated software version on the start screen of the display application. If the
<version> does not appear in the version field, the update has not been successful. In this case, the
alternative described below can be used. After the configured user interface is visible again, the USB
flash drive can be removed.
Make sure that the configured display surface is displayed and that the applications that
are running on the board are started, before you remove the USB flash drive.
Note: Up to software version 0.22.x, USB updates did not check whether it is an update file
for a fel1A or fel1B device. The files may not be interchanged, otherwise it may happen
that a LVDS connected screen remains black.
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06