Indications on the flexyPage documentation
This user manual describes how to setup and configure the
flexyPage displays. It is only a part of the entire product
documentation and subject to a constant update.
This document, the photographs, graphics and videos as well as
hardware and software, are copyrighted. They may not be copied
or circulated without written permission. Translations are also
subject to written approval.
The contact person for copies, translations and all similar requests is ELFIN Technology GmbH.
The documentation is prepared with great care. Nevertheless, mistakes cannot be excluded. We are
excited about suggestions and hints for errors in our documentation. Please contact our sales
department or support.
ELFIN Technology GmbH is not liable for damages, possible errors and their consequences that arise in
connection with the delivery or use of this product data sheet.
Please read the documents carefully before use!
The current version of the manuals, product data sheets as well as further documents
and application examples can be found on the product homepage at:
Introduction to the flexyPage system
Quick start guide
Video instructions
flexypage user manual
Widget descriptions
Product data sheets
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact for sales
Contact to support
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06