Page 15 of 40 M8144
Issue 2.0
Press the return key.
You are now asked to ‘Set the Temperature’. Use the key pad to enter the required set
point temperature. Refer to paragraph 7.2.1 Principals of Operation. Once the desired
set point temperature has been entered press the return key.
7.4.5. You are now asked to select your preferred ramp rate. Press 1 for 1.0°C/min or 2 for
10.0°C/min. Note:- The default ramp rate is set at 1.0°C/min.
7.4.6. You are now given the option to set the ceiling temperature. The ceiling temperature
should only be set if it is critical to your sample so that it must not be heated above a
certain temperature. The default is 400°C. If there is no requirement for setting a ceiling
temperature press the return key. The IA oven will commence heating to the set point
The last used ceiling setting will be remembered and recalled for subsequent
melts. If the IA is powered down and then powered up again the default value of 400°C
will be reinstated.
The ceiling temperature cannot be set to less than 5°C of the set point
temperature. If you attempt to make an illegal setting the IA will automatically default to
5°C above the set point temperature.
7.4.7. As the IA heats up to the set point temperature you will see asterisk appear across the
low half of the display screen indicating the closeness of the oven temperature to the
set point temperature. When the set point temperature has been reached the IA will
beep three times. It is recommended the user allows a short time of a couple of minutes
for the oven temperature to stabilize before commencing with the ramp heating.
7.4.8. Insert you chemicals sample and allow the IA9100 and chemicals to stabilize once
more. Press the return key to commence ramping.
7.4.9. When the first melt is observed press the return key. Up to four melts may be performed
as described in Paragraph 7.2.3 ‘Determining melt’. Press the return key every time a
melt is observed. If less than four melts are required press the
‘Fn’ to move out of melt
record mode.
7.4.10. You are now asked if you wish to turn off the oven. Press key 1 for yes or key 2 for
no. If you are going to perform subsequent melts then leave the oven on. It will reset
back to the previous set point temperature.
Reading the recorded melt data.
From the home screen press the ‘Fn’ key to enter
F2 Melt recall screen. Press the return key to display the melt point data of the first date.
Press the return key to display the temperature the second melt recorded and so on for
the third and fourth melts.
To exit the screen press ‘Fn’ twice to return to the Home
Only the last recorded batch may be viewed. Previous melt data will be over
Data will be lost if the 9100 is turned off or disconnected from the electrical