Device types and configuration - continued
Gas Detection
When adding EDL Gas Detection three dialogue
boxes will appear. Sensor range, Pre-Alarm limit
and Alarm limit. When choosing the sensor range
ensure the sensor is capable of operating correctly
within that range. Pre-Alarm and Alarm limits are
the value that the gas sensor has to reach before
the alarm is given. Both alarm and pre-alarm can
be set between 10% and 80% of the sensors range
(full scale value) in 10% steps.
Group Addressed Sounders and Beacons
Some Apollo Sounders and Beacons are available with a second set of dip switches used for group
addressing., the address must be in the range of 112 - 126. This feature is useful when operating several
sounders from a single cause and effect or when adding to an existing system without the need to connect to a
PC. Group addressing should be setup as follows:
1. Add a Sounder or Beacon with its individual address in the range 112 - 126 using FireConfig
setup software. Ensure this device is NOT group address enabled by setting the group address dip
switches to “0000”.
2. Add a cause and effect entry to operate the device and / or tick the “always operate in the event of
alarm” check box.
3. All additional Sounders / Beacons to be included in this group should be added with their individual
addresses in the range 1 - 126 and the group address dip switch should be set to the address
chosen in 1 above. Additional sounders / beacons can be added either by using the FireConfig software
or using the “search for new devices” function from the main panel or any repeater.
4. Group addressing can only operate on the same loop.
5. Please see Apollo data sheets for more information.
Master / Slave Sounders and Beacons
Some Apollo Sounders and Beacons are available with an additional dip switch for selecting “Master” or “Slave”
mode. The feature is has similar benefits to using group addressing but should not be confused with group
addressing as the setup is different. Master / Slave sounders should be setup as follows:
1. Add a Sounder or Beacon with its individual address in the range 1 - 126 using FireConfig
setup software. Ensure this device is set as “master” using the appropriate dip switch.
2. Add a cause and effect entry to operate the device and / or tick the “always operate in the event of
alarm” check box.
3. Additional Sounders or Beacons can be added using the same individual address as above but the
units should all be set as “Slave” on the appropriate dip switch.
4. Group addressing can only operate on the same loop.
5. Please see Apollo data sheets for more information.
ED816A Addressable Fire and gas detection Installation manual 8-9-08 Rev-a