Table 5-4: Two Wire Panel Cables
Plug/Cable Number
Pin Number/Panel Connections
Pin1 - Reference Level Pot (R317) Top
Pin2 - Digital Ground Common Connection
Pin1 - No Connection
Pin2 - Analog Ground Connection
Internal Variable Range Option (Opt 1):
Pin1 - Variable Range Pot (R322) Top
Pin2 - Variable Range Pot (R322) Center Tap
External Variable Range Option (Opt 2):
Pin1 - No Connection
Pin2 - Variable Range Pot (R322) Center Tap
Internal/External Variable Range Option (Opt 3):
Pin1 - External Range Input Jack (J318) Switch Lug
Pin2 - Variable Range Pot (R322) Center Tap
Internal/External Variable Range Option (Opt 4):
Pin1 - Int/Ext Var Range Switch (SW344) Outside Lug
Pin2 - Variable Range Pot (R322) Center Tap
Power Supply and Board Interconnect Cables
While you’re at it, this is the perfect opportunity to build the remaining cables – the
cables used to connect the
Klee PCBs together and the cable required to
connect to the power supply itself.
The power supply cable is similar to the front panel connect cables – it has a housing on
one end and (at this point) for wires hanging off of that.
Table 5-5: Four Wire Power Supply Cable
Plug/Cable Number
Pin Number/Panel Connections
Pin1 - +V
Pin2 - Analog Ground
Pin3 - Digital Ground
Pin4 - -V
The three board interconnect cables, however, have a housing on each end of the
connector – they are the only three cables that have a housing on each end. These cables
pass shift register data and power supply voltages between the two boards.