Common Connection to Bus 1 – The Bus 1 Load Switch
The Bus 1 load Switch is a SPST ON-OFF switch, so you don’t have to worry about
which lug to connect the Bus 1 signal to. Once more, you should have worked out by
now that you have it oriented in the correct position to jibe with your front panel
legend – with the switch closed, Gate Bus 1 Load will be on. So, solder a wire from
Bus 1 to one of the lugs of this switch.
Bus 1
Bus 3
Bus 1 Load
Figure 4-9: Connecting the Bus 1 Load Switch To Bus 1
After you’ve finished up wiring all of the Gate Bus Switches, attach a lead of your DMM
to the Bus 1 common connection and ensure that the switches all have a common
connection with Bus 1. Make sure to check that the Bus 1 Load Switch common
connection has continuity as well.
After that, repeat the procedure with the Bus 3 Common connection.