Operating manual Page 50
Treatment of chronic pancreatitis supposes complex therapy including
physiotherapeutic procedures.
Physiotherapeutic procedures by travelling pulsed
magnetic field render:
- anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory action;
- increase micro-circulation in a pancreas tissues;
- stimulate regeneration and to stop disease progressing.
Treatment with ALMAG within the sub-
acute period or the period of attack subside with the purpose
of prophylaxis is carried out on the area of a pancreas (see
fig. 27).
Procedures time is 15 minutes one hour before meal or in
2 hours after the meal twice a day. The course of treatment is
18 days.
Biliary dyskinesia
- functional disorder of gallbladder and gall channels motor
activity owing to non-agreed, delayed, insufficient or excessive reduction of gallbladder
or sphincteric system.
as a rule, patients complain of a dull pain in the right of hypochondrium,
the dyspeptic effect: appetite loss, an eructation, a nausea, a bitter taste in a mouth, an
abdominal distention. The leading role in the mechanism of this disorders belongs to the
changes of neuro-vegetative innervation and excretory function of digestive tract,
Dietetics takes an important place in treatment of
dyskinetic disorder: exception of fat, fried, pickled food, meat
and fish soup, smoked products, chocolate, ice-cream.
Cholagogue medications (agents) and mineral waters together
with physiotherapeutic procedures and magnetotherapy.
Magnetotherapy with a traveling pulsed magnetic field is
carried out with the purpose to render anesthetizing, anti-
inflammatory and spasmolytic action.
. Treatment with ALMAG device is to be
carried out in the sub-acute phase or attack sibside period with
the purpose of prophylaxis. Action is carried out on area of a
liver and gallbladder (see fig. 28 ).
Fig. 27
Fig. 28