Operating manual Page 47
illness. It is prescribed to take antihistamine, antisesitizer, stimulators, vitaminotherapy as
well as physiotherapeutic procedures.
Physiotherapy clinic: make hyposensibilizing, anti-inflammatory, inch-sedative action,
to restore the trophism and fuction of vegetative nerve system of peripheral structures.
influence by ALMAG device is carried out not only on the affected
areas of skin, but also on an area of a spinal cord innervating this affected part. . The
procedure time is 10 minutes for each part. It is allowed to make treatment of four
affected parts (5 minutes for each part) within one procedure. The total procedure time a
day is 30 minutes. With process localization in bend of elbows or in the area of wrist
joints the influence is carried out both on the affected area and thoracocervical part of
spinal column. With localization of affected skin in inguinofemoral fold, in the area of
knee and talocrural joints in influence is carried out on the affected area and lumbar spine.
Application of a travelling pulsed magnetic field is a constituent part of the
rehabilitational period after dermal plastic operations. ALMAG exposure on area of an
operational suture promotes both faster formation of an elastic suture and reduction of risk
of occurrence of aftereffects. Procedures are carried out in 3 days after operation.
Treatment procedure technique is as that for skin plastic operation.
The chronic bronchitis
is a lingering disease characterized by an irreversible
affection of all large, mean and fine bronchus.
Chronic bronchitis is connected with long-time irritation of bronchus by different
harmful factors (smoking, air contaminated with dust, smoke, oxide-carbon, sulfur,
nitrogen and other chemical compound. It is provoked as well by respiratory infection.
Pathology of upper respiratory tracts is also plays negative role, generic predisposition is
marked as well.
Symptoms: cough in the morning with the separation of mucoid sputum, later on the
cough bothers in the day and night time, which is increased in cold and damp weather,
with a time it becomes permanent (stable) In the acute period of the disease mucoid
sputum is muco-purulent or purulent; short breath.
Such therapeutic agents as: antibiotics, expectorants agents,
bronchodilators, sputum diluting agents , plentiful drink are prescribed during the
exacerbation period (acute condition). Besides, respiratory gymnastics, physiotherapeutic