Operating manual Page 51
Procedures time is 15 minutes twice a day in one hour before or in 2 hours after meal.
The course of treatment is 18 days.
Chronic gastritis is the disease of a stomach revealing itself with a long inflammation
of its mucous. Clinical course of the disease is undulating in the form of acute condition
and long remission.
Gastritis symptoms
in the period of disease acute clinical course depends on acidity
of gastric juices. With the secretion insufficiency there are dull pains in the spoon area,
sickness, regurgitation, eructation mostly with an air, the sense of weight and overeating.
The disease may be complicated with diarrhea, porridge-like stool.
At the abdominal palpation there is moderate pain in epigastric area
Under gastritis disease with normal and increased acidity beside pain syndrome, there
is heartburn after the meal, acid eructation, susceptibility to constipation , the tongue is
covered with white fur, very often in is complicated with duodenitis – the inflammation of
duodenum mucosa.
Therapeutic effect
of a chronic gastritis comes to correction of a diet, normalization
of a gastric secretion, correction of stomach motor malfunction infection sanation. Within
the period both of exacerbation relief and remission physiotherapeutic procedures,
including ALMAG, are indicated. The use of ALMAG device has even some advantages
in comparison with stationary physiotherapeutic equipment as it allows the procedures to
be carried out in home conditions under the doctor`advice.
Therapeutic effect:
to render anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory action, to increase
microcirculation in a wall of a stomach and to speed up regenerative processes.
Epigastric area is the zone of influence. (see fig. 27)
The treatment procedure is carried out in an hour before the meal or in 2 hours after it.
Procedure time is 15 minutes twice a day. Treatment course is 18 days.
Stomach ulcer
is one of the most wide-spread diseases of digestive apparatus, 50%
patients of gastroenterology departments in hospitals are patients with ulcerous
affections of stomach or duodenum. The disease is the result of disbalance.
The clinical presentation of disease is characterized by a pain in epigastric area
immediately or after a meal depending on localization of a ulcer. Patients are suffered
from dyspeptic symptoms - an eructation of swallowed air, sickness, a heartburn,