Operating manual Page 27
field penetration of ALMAG device is enough to make required curative effect to the
effected organ., besides it makes anaesthetic action, reduces oedema, speeds up tissue
regeneration and promotes joint functional recovery.
coils-inductors are placed around the injured joint. Treatment is to be
carried out beginning with the first hours of getting trauma. It is recommended to apply
cold for 20 minutes to the joint, then you may start magneto-therapy. The joint is wrapped
with the device. Procedure time – 15 minutes. The first 3 days the procedures are carried out
twice a day.
Beginning with the 5
day it is recommended to put hot compress before treatment
procedure with the help of ALMAG. In this case, procedures are carried out once a day.
Treatment course is 18 days.
The curative
of the travelling pulsed magnetic field influence of the wounded
surface results in reduction of the period of would healing with the formation of elastic
hardly noticeable scar. The application of the device after operation prevents the
development of different complications, reduced the probability of herniation.
Treatment is to be started on third- fifth day from the moment of making operation. The
procedure is made on area of a wound through both gauze (after wound treatment) or plaster
bandage. Under the influence of magnetic field the action of the applied ointment is
increased that greatly benefits healing process. The coils - inductors are placed along or
round the lesion focus. The procedure time is 15 minutes once a day. The course of treatment
is 7-18 days.
Keloid cicatrix
- growth of a connective tissue as a tumour after an surgical operation, a
burn and open, sometimes little traumas owing to the rising of fibroplastic reaction of an
Treatment of keloid cicatrixes by the device should be started on 3-5 day after an
operation or traumas. In case if keloid cicatrix has been already formed, the long-time and
complex therapy is required, so ALMAG device is applied in complex with medicinal agents
and other physiotherapeutic procedures. ALMAG magnetic field stimulates metabolism,
renders anesthetizing, resorptional actions, promotes keloid softerning and restoration of
cicatrix elasticity.
The good therapeutic effect is reached by the application of ALMAG together with
medicaments as the last potentizes the action of outward medicinal preparation.