- 090060699
4.31 Remote listening function
During the reception of a voice communication it is possible to activate the remote listening function by pres-
sing '
' or '
' key; to disable the function press '
' or '
' key .
Remote listening function will be active for 2 minutes max, then the call will be interrupted automatically.
4.32 Acoustic signals
VILLEGGIO panel features two built-in acoustic devices: a buzzer and a siren.
The software application allows to set built-in buzzer volume and volume of panel arm/disarm events to
meet users needs.
Options available:
Buzzer volume for arm/disarm commands and exit path time can be adjusted so that it will not disturb people
in the area where the system has been installed when the system is armed/disarmed during night hours.
volume adjustment does not affect entry path time buzzer volume.
The siren sounds can be selected according to the operating conditions to signal, particularly to distinguish
intrusion alarms from fire (also gas and flooding) alarms. Such option allows to reduce considerably the incon-
venience created by unwanted alarms (or alarms concerning minor conditions).
Options available for the built-in siren:
: the siren is always OFF.
Active for
: the siren is triggered by fire, gas, flood and panic alarms.
Fully active
: the siren is always ON (= triggered by all alarms.)
4.33 System test
VILLEGGIO unit features control functions to verify system correct working.
To access these functions, use installer or user menus and go to system test areas.
System test menu provides
tests for zones, outputs and dialler
perform all three tests indicated before exiting System Test menu. Before proceeding with the fol-
lowing menu pages, the tests must be completed until one of the results appear -
Test OK, Test Executed,
Not Executab
. STOP key will interrupt current tests and cancel the procedure.
the "System Test" request will be logged on the panel historic file; if the test is not performed, the
request will be repeated once a month and can be used to activate the telephone dialler in various modes.
4.33.1 Zones test
Zones test function allows to check operating status of sensors connected to system zones.
Zones checked will be only those that have been assigned Walk Test property. If there are not such zones,
the test cannot be performed.
During the test, zones that need testing will be shown on display: use UP/DOWN arrow keys to browse zo-
nes. Each time a zone is tested successfully, the unit will beep once (beep volume is very high and people will
hear it at a certain distance.) When all the zones have been tested successfully, the unit will beep three times.
the default value for system test is 4 weeks.
Users shall
test the alarm system regularly
and report operating anomalies to the installer as soon
as possible. System test value can be modified upon user request only by the installer who shall be
informed about the responsibility involved in the task.
Values above 26 weeks do not comply with current insurance regulations.