- 090060699
In case of user access (user code + OK) the duress alarm will not be triggered for the areas including sectors
permitted for such user.
Max time interval: 42 minutes 30 secs.
Note: the confirmation code may be a user code different from the code that sent the disarm command;
please consider that a user can stop only timers of areas including sectors authorized to him/her, and not timers
of different areas that will generate duress alarms as per normal configuration.
4.20 Multi-area management
VILLEGGIO is a multi-area control panel designed to manage 4 areas, each including 4 sectors, for a total
of 16 sectors.
Onboard keypad can manage all 4 areas; the areas can be accessed only if there is at least one user regi-
stered in the system with authorizations for the areas to be used. The keypad can be defined as ’system
keypad’ via software application in order to manage all 4 areas or the desired one.
When onboard keypad is configured as system keypad and users are inactive, LEDs will indicate system
status information. When onboard keypad is configured to manage a specific area and users are inactive, LEDs
will indicate status details of the specific area.
user activity status is indicated by the LCD display backlight off and other related indications.
when system keypad is selected, the display will show areas armed instead of sectors (backlit keys
indicate areas armed.)
VIDOMO panel can be connected to various control devices.
: touch-screen TATTILO keypad or traditional models such as NIRVA and MIDAS keypads with
one or more pertaining area(s) and one presenting area; they can also be set as ’system keypads’.
The keypads provide visual information on current operating area; if no area is selected, they show system
general status and sector keys indicate areas armed status (also partial armed status.) To change current ope-
rating area, press OK key. In case of system keypads, press STOP to go back to system status display.
When operating from a keypad, users can only modify armed status of sectors pertaining to keypads and
to the user who is perfoming the operation.
When operating with the event log file, users can only display events pertaining to the keypad and the user
who is operating with the file.
Key points
: ETR-ZENITH and IZENITH flush mount control devices that can be configured only for one
: I8 addressable reader that can be configured only for one area and only for specific sectors; it
can also be configured as "system reader".
4.20.1 Area managed by the keypad
VILLEGGIO unit keypad normally displays ’operating area’; in case of user inactivity, ’operating area’ coin-
cides with the ’presenting area’ (Area displayed on keypad.)
In case of multi-area setup, it is possible to change keypad ’operating area’ by pressing OK key (when in-
terface is idle) and by selecting the new area with the relevant numeral key.
if there are no further areas available, this action will not be allowed.