Pellet burner GP xx sc 18
The pellet burner starts operation when the following conditions are observed:
The burner’s main module is mounted to the appliance to which it will operate;
Presence of electrical power supply;
Activated start through the display panel;
Installed circulations water temperature sensor – in case such method is used to
regulate the burner’s operational mode;
Lack of emergency signals;
The fuel hopper and the transport auger are filled with fuel.
When the above conditions are fulfilled the control module executes the following algorithm:
Submits power and the external transport auger, the heating element and the firing air
feeding fan switch ON;
After expiry of the preliminary set (by the manufacturer) time, which provides loading
of the combustion chamber with the so called “ignition” fuel doze, the auger’s power
supply cuts off and it stops;
After the photic sensor in the burner registers presence of burning process the
heating elements power supply cuts off. For a defined period of time the burner
reaches the assigned heating output. If the photic sensor does not register a flame
within a set period of time, the controller performs new attempt for ignition through the
above presented algorithm. The ignition attempts are limited to two;
In case of successful fuel ignition the system transits to nominal operation mode of
the burner, which is realized through periodical fuel feeding and pauses for burning.
The times for fuel feeding and pauses are adjusted in the control module’s software.
The burner heating output can be changed by selecting one of its output levels;
The maximum heating output level - 5
of the burner is not recommended. This
level should be chosen only in cases when the used fuel type is with lower
caloricity value or when higher heating output is temporarily needed. The
recommended output levels are from 1 to 4, as normally level 4 reaches the
nominal heating output.
A NTC sensor is used as control device for determining of the circulations water
operational temperature:
- When the assignment is nearly reached the burner’s control module
decreases its heating output (so called modulation of the operation mode);
- If the circulations water temperature decreases the burner restores its
heating output.
If the operation signal drops out during operation (for example by room thermostat),
then the burner will switch off through the above presented algorithm;
If during rest the operation assignment changes and it receives signal for operation,
then it will start operation through the above presented algorithm. The same condition
is valid in case the circulations water temperature is lower than the adjusted in the
burner’s control module;
If the fuel does not ignite within the first attempt a new attempt is automatically
performed, as the ignition attempts are maximum two (defined by the manufacturer).
In case of second unsuccessful ignition there is possibility of presence of unburned
fuel over the main module’s fire-grate. It is necessary to find and remove the reason
for unsuccessful ignition and also to clean the combustion chamber’s fire-grate from
the fuel residues;