EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. - Pyranometer MS-60/60S - Instruction Manual Ver. 4
Pg. 29
A - 2 . P y r a n o m e t e r C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
Table A-2. Pyranometer Characteristics [see also CIMO Guide, WMO No. 8, 2008]
Response Time
The time [seconds] of a pyranometer sensor to reach 95% of its final output signal.
[ISO 9060: 2018 added] If the response time reach to 95% is less than 0.5 seconds, "fast
response" is attached to the applicable class as a subcategory.
Zero Off-Set a
Response [dark-signal] to 200W/m2 net thermal radiation [ventilated]
Zero Off-Set b
Response [dark-signal] to 5K per hour change in ambient temperature
Total Off-set c
[ISO 9060: 2018 added] Total zero off-set including the effects a], b] and other sources
Rate of change [%] of the pyranometer sensitivity per year.
Percentage deviation from the responsivity at 500W/m2 due to any change of irradiance
within the range 100W/m2 to 1,000W/m2.
Also referred to as cosine error [W/m2]; the range of errors caused by assuming that the
normal incidence responsivity is valid for all directions when measuring, from any direction, a
beam radiation whose normal incidence irradiance is 1,000W/m2
[ISO 9060: 2018 modified] Include the zenith angle of zenith angle 90 ° or more.
Spectral error
[ISO 9060: 2018 added] Maximum spectral mismatch error of Pyranometer [%] with respect to
spectral irradiance at AM 1.5 and AM 5 under multiple atmospheric conditions on fine weather
against the reference standard spectral irradiance defined by IEC60904-3: 2016 Photovoltaic
devices -
”Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic [PV] solar devices with reference
spectral irradiance data.”
Percentage deviation of the product of spectral absorptance and spectral transmittance from
the corresponding mean within the range
0.35μm to1.5μm.
Spectrally flat
[ISO 9060: 2018 added] If the spectral selectivity is less than 3 %, "spectrally flat" is attached
to the applicable class as a subcategory.
[ISO 9060: 2018 modified] Percentage maximum output error due to any change of ambient
temperature between -10 to 50
against the output at 20
Tilt Response
[ISO 9060: 2018 modified] Percentage deviation from the responsivity at 0
̊ tilt [horizontal] due
to change in tilt from 0
̊ to 180 ̊ at 1,000W/m2.
[ISO 9060: 2018 added] Error generated when converting the analog output of Pyranometer
or Pyrheliometer into a digital signal with a signal converter etc.