EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. - Pyranometer MS-60/60S - Instruction Manual Ver. 4
Pg. 13
[Installing at Tilted Position]
After the MS-60 is adjusted to horizontal position in levelled surface, install it on tilted mounting position.
*When installing the instrument, do not remove the levelling feet or fixed feet; if the levelling feet are
removed, it may cause abnormal output values due to the thermal effects from the mounting part.
In the case of MS-60S, it is possible to acquire tilt information obtained from the built-in tilt sensor
through Modbus RTU.
Fasten the pyranometer to the base with the 2 bolts [included] and put the sunscreen back on the
2. Wiring
To extend the cable lifetime, make sure that the cables are not exposed to direct sun light or rain/wind by
lining the cable through a cable conduit. Cable vibrations will potentially cause noise in the output signal.
Fasten the cable so that the cable does not swing or move by wind blowing.
Exposure of the signal cable to excessive electromagnetic emissions can cause noise in the output signal as
well. Therefore the cable should be lined at a safe distance from a potential source generating EMC noise,
such as an AC power supply, high voltage lines or telecom antenna.
Wiring Procedure
Connect the output cable to the pyranometer by inserting the cable connector to the connector on the
body then turn the screw cap.
*Make sure to check the pin layout of the connector before connecting the cable. If the connector cannot
be easily inserted, DO NOT use any force, as it will damage the connector. Visually check the pin layout
again before retrying to insert the connector. *Make sure to fasten the screw cap by turning it all the way.
Connect the output cable:
2-1. How to Connect MS-60 [See Table 5-3. Wire Color Codes also]
Connect the wires with colors that correspond to each terminal to voltmeter or data logger.
*Always connect the shield cable. Failing to do so, it will lead to causing noise.
Figure 5-2. How to connect MS-60