Cleaning, Maintenance and Care
Eisfink Max Maier GmbH & Co. KG
Cleaning agents for stainless steel
# The following applies for all cleaning agents:
Observe the instructions for use provided by the cleaning agent manufacturer.
# Mechanical cleaners for stainless steel
Cleaning agent
Brush products
Brushes with natural or synthetic bristles
Textile material comprising natural and chemical cleaning fibres and textile
fabrics (knitted and woven fabric, cleaning cloths, floor cloth, fringed
material, fleece). Microfibre cleaning textiles are ideal for removing finger
marks from stainless steel surfaces.
Synthetic fleece
Without abrasives.
Mainly produced in the colours white, beige, yellow.
Natural leather (chamois), synthetic leather, synthetic fleece, sponges,
sponge cloths
# Chemical cleaners for stainless steel
Cleaning agent
Areas of application
All-purpose cleaners
Particularly for lighter grease stains.
Neutral cleaners
For surfaces soiled with grease and oil (fingerprints); also suitable as a
dishwashing detergent.
Alcohol cleaners
As all-purpose cleaner
Alkaline cleaners
Especially for heavy grease and oil stains (dried-in oils).
Observe the manufacturer's dosage instructions.
Solvent cleaners
Depending on the type, particularly good for the removal of grease, oil, wax,
tar, adhesives, paints and lacquers.
Not suitable for plastics.
Disinfectant cleaners
Effect on pathogenic germs differs depending on active disinfectant
Long-term exposure to sodium hypochlorite can cause damage to the
material. It should not be used if possible. Products should be used, which
are specified in the list of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology